
Looking for a caregiver job?

Sign up now to find:

⁠Jobs in hospitals, clinics, nursing and assisted living homes, home care and staffing agencies, and private homes.
Full time, part time, weekends, live-in, one-on-one and on-call jobs.
⁠CNA, HCA, NAR and companion/sitter jobs.

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Here is why you should use Kinscare to find a job

Kinscare’s focus on caregivers and ease of use saves you time to find the best job. We recommend caregiver job opportunities near you, that pay well, require the licenses and certifications you already possess, that have employers who would be willing to support your training if you need it, and have great pay among many other things.

Do all caregiver jobs require the caregiver to have a license?

Not all caregiver jobs require a license. Licensed caregivers such as CNA and HCA must take and pass a state administered exam.

Some employers require you to be licensed before they hire you but others will employ you if you are enrolled in a caregiving training. Some employers on Kinscare offer in house training and/or provide financial support to their staff to get training. Inquire during your application and interview process about any training support offered to the staff.

Does CNA work meet clinical work requirement?

Paid CNA work in skilled nursing homes and hospitals meet clinical work experience requirements for medical (M.D.), physician assistant, pharmacy, nursing, respiratory technician, and many other programs.

Some hospital and nursing home offer tuition reimbursement every quarter or semester to their CNAs enrolled in nursing or respiratory programs. Sign up on Kinscare to find paid CNA work in nursing homes and hospitals that will help you meet clinical work requirements and might offer tuition reimbursement.