How To Use Kinscare

Kinscare is easy to use and we have listed the instructions below to make sure you get the most out of our service. Kinscare is free for caregivers and has a 15 days trial for providers.

Getting started

If it is your first time visiting Kinscare,you can sign up here.If you are a returning user, you can sign in here. You can also initiate access to Kinscare by texting “job” to 206-309-7500 if you are a caregiver looking for a job or by texting "caregiver” to 206-309-7500 if you are a provider looking to hire a caregiver or a NAC.

Add alert preferences

After signing up, a caregiver adds information about their availability, certifications, licenses, contact information, and how they want to be contacted, that is, a general resume.

On the other hand, a provider adds information about their organization such as location, recruiting staff contact information, alert preferences, whether they provide in house caregiver training or support training etc.

This added information improves match making, for example, by listing jobs near caregiver high, or listing caregivers near a provider’s location high.

Start your search

After adding alert preferences, a caregiver can start searching for jobs right away by filtering for jobs according to their licenses and availability requirements. Licenses used for filtering include NAC, HCA, NAR, None and availability includes weekends, part time, full time etc.

In addition to filtering or sorting caregivers by their availability and licenses, providers can also post a job opening announcement. A new job post notification is sent out immediately out to caregivers within 45 miles of provider’s location via email and text. Caregivers can then log into their account and apply for that job.

Contact a potential match

If you found a caregiver you would like to contact, you must first save her as a favorite in order to contact her. Depending on her alert preferences, you can contact her using email, text or phone call.
Caregivers are also required to save a job before they can make contact with the organization.


Kinscare is an online registry of caregivers seeking employment and of providers looking to hire caregivers. Our goal is to match caregivers and providers as efficiently as possible by allowing providers and caregivers to search, sort and contact each other using popular methods such as SMS text, Whatsapp, phone calls.

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